The danger of smoking can damage the organs of the body. Active and passive smokers can lurk in health because they contain more than 4000 chemicals that can harmful to body.

WHO in a 2017 report, about 80 percent of the world’s smokers live in low- and middle-income countries and 226 million of them are consider poor. China ranks highest with about 315 million smokers, and they consume more than a third of the world’s cigarettes.

Meanwhile, Indonesia occupies the largest percentage of the population as smokers in the world: 76 percent of men aged over 15 years are recorded as smokers.

Inside of Cigarettes

Ingredients/substance of Cigarette

Nicotine is a substance that can improve brain function. If you are an active smoker, when the nicotine content in your blood decreases, several symptoms will occur, such as Anxiety, Headache, Starving, and others.

Tar which contains a lot of chemicals

These chemicals enter the lungs and can enter the blood vessels and carry to other parts of the body. Cigarette smoke contains more than 4000 chemicals, of which more than 50 as to be cancer-causing (carcinogens) and other toxins.

Carbon Monoxide

These chemical compounds can affect oxygen levels in the blood. In particular, in pregnant women, smoking can reduce the amount of oxygen for the growing baby in the womb. This can harm the growth of the baby.

Diseases Can Happen

Smoking is a bad habit that has the potential to damage organs and causes various deadly diseases. The pleasure of smoking is not proportional to the danger to health. The effects of a lifestyle like this do not occur immediately, but over time, various substances contained in it will damage and harm the body.


Cancer is often used as an abbreviation for “Dry bag”, but this is not what it means. Although smoking can increase the cost of living for its use, the harmful effects lurk on the health of users and those who are exposed to cigarette smoke around them.

Long-term effects such as lung cancer, mouth, larynx (voice box), pharynx (throat), esophagus, kidney, cervix, liver, bladder, pancreas stomach, colon (12 fingers intestine).


Complications during pregnancy, such as bleeding during pregnancy, adhesion to the placenta, premature birth, and ectopic pregnancy (a fertilized egg does not attach and grow in the uterus as usual).

Heart Attack

Cigarettes contain chemicals that have the potential toxic to body, and cause damage to the structure of the heart muscle and heart blood vessels. The content of Tar and Nicotine in cigarettes is the cause of plaque buildup in blood vessels, which can then cause coronary heart disease.

So, the conclusion of the dangers of smoking can realize early on before it’s too late. Keep bad habits, such as smoking, away from children and adolescents. Because healthy is expensive.

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