Italian Ambassador to Australia, Francesca Tardioli, died after falling from the balcony of a house in her hometown of Foligno, Perugia province, on Sunday (20/2).

This news spread in various Italian media, one of which was AGI. According to the report, Francesca was found dead near her home.

“She allegedly lost her balance while leaning on her balcony,” the report said.

According to reports, the authorities will launch an investigation into the diplomat’s death.

While the investigation was underway, Australia’s Ambassador to Italy, Margaret Twomey, expressed her loss for the diplomat.


“Heartbreaking news of the death of Ambassador Francesca Tardioli. Dear colleague. Brilliant colleague. Highly respected diplomat,” Twomey wrote on Twitter on Sunday (20/2).

She described the Tardioli as one of the best gifts for Australia from Italy.

The Italian embassy and Ministry of Foreign Affairs also offered their condolences for Tardioli’s death.

“It is with a heavy heart that we accompany the passing of Francesca Tardioli and our condolences to the family. She was a great diplomat and servant of the state,” the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs wrote on Twitter.

Although Tardioli’s death was an accident, Italian police are still investigating the case.

Tardioli has served as Ambassador to Australia since September 2019. The senior diplomat is said to be fluent in English and French. She is also good at speaking German.

Francesca Tardioli has worked in the diplomatic corps since 1991. She entered the service after graduating with a degree in political science from the University of Perugia and a master’s degree from the Italian Society of International Organizations.

Throughout her diplomatic career, Tardioli has worked at embassies and consulates in Albania, Saudi Arabia, Libya, as well as NATO missions.

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