Negative thoughts are consider to be thrown away because they can mess you up. However, according to psychologist Julie Norem, a researcher whose study was published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, having pessimistic thoughts has its benefits for achieving success.

By comparison, the strategic optimist is likely to think about the best outcome to be obtained and what strategies should be employed to achieve it. While the pessimistic-defensive person, even though he has success in the past, will also see the failure side of everything.

Many think that strategic optimism is better because they have high levels of self-confidence and expectations. Meanwhile, defensive-pessimistic people tend to think pessimistically so they are prepare and try harder to avoid possible failures.

That way, those worries, and negative thoughts can be turn into real action. As a result, according to researchers, strategic-optimistic and defensive-pessimistic people can both success in different ways.

Want to know what are the benefits of having other negative thoughts?


Can Take Prevention Efforts

People who try to think positively are more often comfortable with what they already have. While people who think negatively, more often feel “less” about what they have or are capable of.
Worry sometimes needs to be on someone. These feelings can make us prepare for important things that may be need as prevention efforts.

Knowing Limits

Having negative thoughts can let us know the boundaries that keep us safe. For example, the limit when we just met a stranger. When talking to a stranger, we may feel very connect and think that he or she has the same relationship with us. Positive thinking people may be able to easily open boundaries to that person. However, a negative thinker may be able to be more careful and keep boundaries until he is sure the stranger is “safe.”

Protect from Criminal Action

When you have negative thoughts, you become more alert and try to take care of yourself wherever you are. Negative thinking can make us extra vigilant when in a foreign or new place.
On the other hand, positive-mind people may be more careless, more at risk of being in danger, or vulnerable to criminal activity due to a lack of vigilance.

Giving Time to Think

If we continue to think positively, sometimes we forget the negative things that might happen when making a decision. This can cause someone to act rashly. It never hurts to think about the possible negative things that might happen. Especially, if the decisions taken are relate to your future.

More Realistic Thinking

When your mind is only fill with positive things, you can get carry away by staying in your comfort zone. You can also feel that nothing bad will happen in the future. However, when balance with negative thoughts, you can turn into a more realistic person and be prepar for all eventualities.

Protect from Heartache

If we view someone as an idol, we feel that person is perfect and will never disappoint. No human is not perfect. When we balance it with negative thinking, it can help us avoid the disappointment and hurt that might occur later.

Becoming a Better Person

If you continue to think positively, it is not uncommon for someone to feel comfortable and less enthusiastic about developing their abilities. So, you can compensate by thinking negatively now and then. Having negative thoughts is important to see what is lacking in life so that you can reflect and become a better person.

Making Better Use of Money and Time

When we are invite to have fun with friends or relatives, it often ends up having fun and spending the money and time we have. However, by rethinking while assessing whether the pleasure obtaine is worth the money and time we spend, this makes us wiser in choosing.

Increase creativity

Of course, life will be very hard if we focus on our shortcomings and weaknesses. Even so, negative thinking can activate creativity. Negative thinking will make us ask “What is lacking in this situation?” the question sparks new ideas. Programmers will not develop if they can’t find the weaknesses and shortcomings of the software that is made.

Negative thoughts motivate to make changes

The motivation of people who are overweight to diet starts with negative thoughts about a bad appearance, clothes that don’t fit right into health at risk. Negative thoughts make people move to make changes to their lives.

Save you from blind love and fanaticism

When in love, most people will see the idol of the heart as if a perfect human has no sins and mistakes. Likewise, when assessing idol figures, many are blind and see idols from the good side. Negative thoughts make you have the ability to see the dark side of others so that you will be healthier to judge your partner or potential leader.

Negative thinking broadens perspective

Seeing a problem requires a broad perspective. Negative thoughts open your mind to the bad side of a problem to its roots. Therefore, practicing negative thinking to see the problem is need.

Help make the right decision

Negative thoughts help you see the worst possible outcomes of a decision. You will be more careful and wise in making decisions because you know what the weaknesses of the decisions you take are, this will later prevent you from feeling sorry.

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