It is estimate that there are more than 7000 languages ​​in the world. Starting from Mandarin is the language most widely use. Follow by Spanish and then English. But where did language come from? and why languages ​​can vary?.

Origin of Language

Noam Chomsky, Source : Amazon

Indeed, many are curious about the origin of language in this world. And why is lemon call lemon? and why are all the things in this world name after them? According to Noam Chomsky, languages ​​appear between 60,000 and 100,000 years ago in Africa. Before that, we as humans could only communicate to a limit extent. That is, through our mouths and gestures, and then our brains evolve. So that over time things are more complex.

We start naming objects, food, and dangerous situations with simple names. The theorize comes from imitating the sound source of something. then after that, we slowly begin to be able to think of two objects in one construction. For example, apples and trees are then combine into one construction, namely the apple tree. It is the combination of these words which then develops into a structure, which then becomes the forerunner of language.

Psammetichus Age

Psammetichus, Source : Wikipedia

It turns out that our curiosity about language has start since the time of the king of ancient Egypt. Psammetichus had the heart to order 2 babies to be lock in 2 different cages after 2 years the two babies strangely start to say the same word which is “BEKOS”, which is Phrygian which means Bread. As a result of these experiments, they conclude that Phrygian is the origin of all the languages ​​that exist in this world. Because it can be said by a baby without being taught. Then why can languages ​​vary?

Cultural Isolation

In short, our ancestors migrate around the world in search of food sources. then our ancestors separate from each other and form a new language. Which is adapt to the natural conditions of food, and other living things that live in the vicinity. This isolation is the reason why each place has a different language. Especially in a country that is geographically an archipelago, people are increasingly isolate, causing the language to be more unique. Then when one group of ancestors meets another group of ancestors, their language mixes and creates a new language.

Technically refer to as Super Language, that’s why the distance factor also affects the existing language. For example, neighboring countries often have similar words because they blend into each other. Unlike Spanish and Mandarin, there are no similarities. Finally, more or less we know how language can be form and diverse. Even so, the origin of the language itself is still debate and is still being research until now.

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