People when doing work or study something, sometimes they want to do it later. Actually, that is not good for them and it’s called Procrastination. For your information Procrastination is a syndrome, when people get lazy to doing something, and want to do it later.

The examples of that are part of being a procrastinator or procrastinator. Procrastination itself comes from the Latin “Pro-crastinus” which means for tomorrow or belonging to tomorrow. Procrastination is difficulty getting yourself to do the things that need to be done.

Lazy girl lying on a sofa using smartphone. Chatting in social media, procrastination.

“While we waste our time hesitating and postponing, life is slipping away.” – Seneca

Stopping procrastination certainly takes a habit. Continuous procrastination will leave you frustrated and confused about how to stop it. Several strategies can help you avoid and overcome procrastination, some of which are as follows

Stop doing something lately

If you’re the type of person who believes that you perform best when under pressure, prove it. However, if this habit of procrastination actually makes you stressed and your work results are bad, stop this habit now.

It would be better if you start work on schedule or even earlier. That way, you can determine what work come first and ready to doing and accept the next job.

Set priorities

When you set priorities, your goals will be clearer. A clear goal certainly keep you motivate and achieve that goal. If you have difficulty determining the priority scale, you can start with the smallest way; define the six most important jobs you must complete tomorrow. Concentrate on the task until your work is finish. This method is also known as The Ivy Lee Method.

Set work targets every day

You can create reminders that serve as job priorities, using either a sticky message or a reminder app on your phone. That way, you can determine which work needs first.

In addition, do not underestimate the task or work that looks light. If you take it for granted and procrastinate, you will only pile up work. If you continue to procrastinate, you can feel anxious.

Try to make friends with great people

One of the best ways to break the habit of procrastination is to have positive friends or coworkers. Not only will it help you to get your work done, making friends with positive people can also make you a better person.


The most important step you need to take is start. Whether starting from the easiest, difficult, short, interesting, or from the smallest. You have to get in the habit of erasing thoughts containing reasons for procrastination. Because if not now, then when?

Some of the strategies above you can apply repeatedly so that they become a habit. With that, you’ll break down procrastination for things that don’t really matter. So, which option sounds better? Collect assignments on time in collection hours, or be early and be the best in their field?

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