When we talk about dinosaurs, our minds go far back. Either directly imagine how life in prehistoric times when they live. It’s really fun, I think! Unfortunately, the dinosaurs are extinct. On the other hand, our population as humans is increasing. Currently, the number of humans has reach 7.5 billion. Twice as compare to 1980.

Dinosaur Life

If we imagine, dinosaurs that big and strong could just disappear from the face of the earth. Meanwhile, we are getting more and more and making our earth more damage by throwing plastic everywhere. Does this mean that our way of survival is very good?

If we refer to the theory of evolution, this could happen. Crocodiles and coelacanth fish that live in contemporary with us today, are thought to have exist since the time of the dinosaurs. Coelacanths were thought to have been extinct since 65 million years ago, at the end of the Cretaceous era. It was found alive in 1938 in South Africa. In Indonesia, a different species of Coelacanth was found in 1998.

Until now there is no scientific evidence that states that we ever live and live in the age of dinosaurs. Evidence of the existence of dinosaurs in circulation is usually in the form of photos that are easy to manipulate. Like a photo of the Nessie monster in Loch Ness lake, Scotland. The monster, which at first glance looks like an Elasmosaurus, turns out to be just a water toy with a snake-like head at the end.

Apart from photos whose sources are ambiguous, there is usually a misinterpretation of alien creatures. One of them was discover by fishermen in Australia, who found a giant balloon that turn out to be a whale.

Dinosaur Fossil Research

Scientifically, there are two ways in which researchers can predict life in the past. First, by checking the artifacts use. Second, by looking at the fossils of living things in the past.

A study found the earliest fossils of reptiles call Archosaurus in the Triassic period, approximately 200-250 million years ago. Then, dinosaurs began to have various forms and characteristics during the Jurassic period, about 145-200 million years ago. The life of this species most abundantly fill the earth in the Cretaceous era, which was 66-145 million years ago. The era in which we thought the Coelacanth fish had become extinct. At this time, traces of small mammals (mammals) have been see.

Oldest Human Fossil

The oldest ancient human fossil is name Ardipithecus Ramidus, which was found in Ethiopia. Ardipithecus Ramidus is estimate to have live about 4.4 million years ago with a height of up to 120 cm. However, Ardipithecus Ramidus is not include in the Homo sapiens category as we are.

In 2017, an interesting discovery was made, namely that a group of researchers manag to find the oldest Homo sapiens fossils along with the artifacts use in Jebel Irhoud Cave, Morocco. They found bones that are estimate to be 280 thousand-350 thousand years old. That is, Homo sapiens already live in the Pleistocene era.

Phillipp Gunz, the anthropologist who carry out the expedition, said that this indicate that Homo sapiens was much older than previously thought. If we repeat the original question: “Did humans ever coexist with dinosaurs?”, then to answer that question, we must define what dinosaurs are. If the dinosaur in question is a bird—experts categorize winge animals as dinosaurs—then the answer is yes. However, if the dinosaur in question is a giant animal in prehistoric times, until now, science has not success in proving it. So the answer is, no.

The answer above is not a definite thing and cannot change in the future. Until now, we still see crocodiles and turtles which are “derivatives of dinosaurs”. That is, there are still traces of dinosaurs living at this time. So, there could be “humans” in the past who lived with dinosaurs. What do you think?

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