Genius is a term to refer to someone with an intelligence capacity above the average in the intellectual field, especially as shown in creative and original work. A genius always shows strong individuality and imagination, and is not only intelligent, but also unique and innovative.

This word is also use for people who have expertise in many fields, such as Goethe or Da Vinci. While Einstein, a genius in physics, but not in other fields such as art and literature.

A person can be considere a genius if he has an IQ above 140. Although the term genius is sometimes use to denote the possession of special talents in any field, it is often misapplied.

Specifically, genius should refer to someone with special natural abilities in a particular field such as art, literature, music, or mathematics.

Polgar experiment

Laszlo proved that it is possible to create geniuses in certain fields especially when they are traine from a young age, with intense practice and learning, anyone can do it.

In the Laszlo family, Laszlo was a good chess player but not a chess Grandmaster. No one in the Laazlo family had ever played chess before. Later, Judit became the highest-ranking female chess athlete in history.

Susan participated in the BBC Special where her IQ was tested, where she did some of the tests that geniuses usually do. Susan’s IQ is above average, but Susan’s strongest skill is chess.

Brain power

I would argue that genetics provides the “hardware” in our brain, while learning is the “software”. The brain has neuroplasticity, especially when it is young. Many classical musicians start studying at the age of 7 or younger. Hilari Hahn, the legendary violinist, start learning the violin at that age. It takes thousands of hours of practice to become an expert in a particular field.

If the brain’s “hardware” is design effectively, then your overall performance will be better than someone born with poorly design “hardware.”

But, unlike computers, the brain has neuroplasticity, meaning that our brains can be molded. For example, taxi drivers in London have to learn the many roads and directions in the city of London, London is not a small city. And that takes years.

Can a genius sit down and become a chess champion just moments after learning how to play chess? Not. Playing chess takes a lot of study and practice to become a chess champion.

Are you ready to be a genius?

Think of our brains as rubber bands. Some rubber bands are bigger than others, some are more flexible than others. But much smaller rubber bands can be flexed into the largest rubber bands depending on the tensile strength of the rubber bands.

You may not be born smart but you can try to learn. You may not be able to develop yourself. You may be born with a lower IQ than others. But you can develop your abilities further by using education and disciplined practice. But of course, these things have limits.

But isn’t it amazing that anyone can do it with enough practice, dedication, and determination?. We can do a lot more than we think.

Another film that can demonstrate this is film call “Stand and Deliver”. This film tells the story of children who do not have the privilege of being the top students in mathematics, this film is also base on a true story.

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