You need to constantly improve your self management skills so that your work performance doesn’t get stuck and improve. Your ability to manage daily activities from small routine activities when starting work to working on large projects can be the right medium to hone self-management. Improve self-management skills by implementing, directing, and evaluating work performance every day in the following ways.

Identify and take advantage of your strength

Improve self-management by determining the best professional strengths or abilities you have, and focus on maximizing your abilities in this area. Understanding your strengths can help you manage your career path by taking advantage of a specific skill interest such as technical, customer service, design, or writing.


Clearly define which responsibilities are most important, and focus your attention on the most urgent work to be done first, avoiding distractions to focus that keep you from doing them in sequence.

Build your best time management

Find effective methods that help self-management in managing time, simplifying daily activities. You can use an agenda book, set up a time management application on your cellphone, or create a filing system at your desk.

Strictly run deadlines

Set deadlines for each stage of the project, and maintain a work schedule to improve self-management. Maintain responsibility for completing tasks on or ahead of schedule by committing to spend more time. The remaining time can be used to check the quality of work or become more free time as a reward.

Avoid multitasking, do one job at a time

Focus your time, energy, and abilities on one task at a time to maintain a balanced self-management. Complete each task completely before moving on to another so you can manage your time and energy efficiently.

Take care of your physical and mental health

Physical and mental balance is very important in good self-management. Maintain a proper diet, exercise regularly, maintain hygiene and actively focus on lowering stress levels. Take breaks to stretch and clear your mind. You can also provide healthy snacks at work, and look for opportunities to maintain fitness with small physical activities, such as stretching between work.

Make a self-evaluation

Create self-management evaluation points to assess objectively by setting the level of achievement of work performance. You can also ask a mentor for help to get a thorough assessment. Set these evaluation points to control self-management over time.

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Read also Importance of self management to support your career