In this digital era, we find many kinds of social media. Not infrequently developers flock to create applications that aim to get as many clients as possible. In addition, social media must have accounts for its users. Clients are given the advantage of safe and secure privacy. However, as advanced as technology is, there will be gaps as well. Not infrequently there are several cases such as data leakage companies from their clients. This is very worrying for us as users. So that this does not happen, we can prevent it by maintaining the security of our account. So, what are the ways/efforts to protect our accounts from data theft that often happens around us.

Here’s how we take care of our account:

1. Password Combination

Usually before we use certain applications we are asked to create an account. The goal is for developers to know how many users the application has created. Because we create an account we should use a password that is difficult for people to know. This aims to protect our account from “hacking”. We can use password combinations such as more than 8 characters and also use upper and lower case letters, and include numbers and other characters such as the example (paSsw012d*).

2. Dual Authentication
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Do you all know about dual authentication? Dual authentication is a security system that secures user accounts from hackers. The work of this system is that when you log in on one of your devices, you will receive a notification on another device that you set as a notification receiver. You will be asked to verify which account is logged in whether you are or not. This is very helpful for us in securing the account. If you feel that it is logged on a device other than the one we logged in, and it turns out that there is a notification that someone has logged into your account, it could be that your account is being hacked and you can prevent it by not giving permission to enter through dual authentication.

3. Auto Save

Very often when we login via Google we will be asked to save the account and password that we use. Maybe the purpose of this feature is to make it easier for us to log in to an account. however, do you know if our device was stolen and hackers managed to get into our google account. Hackers can see all the accounts and passwords that we save in the google account. This is not recommended because of its unsecured safety.

4. Same Password

Surely we don’t only have 1 account right? Well it is highly recommended not to use the same password. We recommend that you use a different password for each account to maintain account security. If we use different passwords and one day our account is hacked, hackers cannot easily enter our other accounts.

5. Change Password

To protect our accounts from hackers/hackers, we should make frequent changes to our passwords. We recommend that we make changes every 6 months. And don’t forget to use a password combination so that it is not easily known by others.

So that’s how to protect our account from hackers/hackers. The more sophisticated the technology, the more active hackers are to find loopholes/weaknesses from the technology. And we as users must be able to maintain our privacy. Do not let others know your privacy and never share your password with anyone. Hope this article helps.