Self-management is a person’s ability to control their thoughts, feelings, and actions. Self-management can also be interpreted as the ability to prioritize goals, decide what to do, and take responsibility for completing the necessary actions.

In the scope of work, employees who have good self-management can maximize their productivity, improve their performance and efficiently move towards achieving their goals. In career success, having self-management can help you improve your skills at work and better manage your career path.

Time management

Strong time management skills allow you to prioritize tasks, avoid distractions and maintain focus while working. By having time management, you can set and meet deadlines effectively. Good time management is also useful when you have to properly delegate responsibilities.

Stress management

Being able to proactively manage stress at work can help you calm down at work and stay focused on your goals. In addition, managing stress also helps you manage your own emotions and maintain professionalism at work. Stress management itself can be done in various forms. For example, by maintaining a healthy diet, lifestyle or doing activities such as journaling and meditation.

Persistence and resilience

Persistence allows you to pursue your goals relentlessly even if the process is not easy. While resistance is indicated by the ability to adapt or overcome setbacks that may hinder you from achieving your goals.


This skill is very useful in the workplace, especially when dealing with problems or difficult tasks. For example, when you are asked to make an important decision within a short deadline. A confident employee will not be stressed by this situation because he knows that if he evaluates options carefully he can make the best decision. Confidence also makes others believe in you. Your manager or boss knows that you believe in yourself, so he or she will most likely trust you to complete the assigned task. Coworkers will also know that they can turn to you when real issues arise. This trust from superiors and co-workers can make you a valuable part of the team.


Shows a person’s willingness and ability to learn and grow. Without this ability, employees will be more hampered in achieving their goals. Because teammates may find it difficult to work with you for fear of being hampered by your inability to adjust.


If you are organized in your work, it means you can plan your time and the things you have to do. You know what is most important, what to do first, and what work is the most time-consuming. In other words, you can plan, prioritize and execute significant activities so that you can manage your significant responsibilities at work.


This means you are responsible for every action you take. By being responsible, you can analyze the work practices and develop an effective strategy for its implementation.


Employees who have these skills do not have to rely on external motivation to push themselves. He can find joy every step of the way and try to reach his goals more quickly.

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Read Also How to improve your self management