One of the racing events we often hear about is Formula 1 as a sporting event. But many doubt that only riding a car can be call a sport. The following will make you understand that F1 deserves to be call a sport

Sitting position

Source : speedmonkey

When we watch, each racer can only see his helmet and hands. we are curious, how is the sitting position in F1? Is it the same as a car in general?. It turn out to be different, the drivers had to drive the F1 in an uncomfortable position. That is why they must have strong waist and back muscles to withstand various shocks. In addition, their feet also have to be strong to be able to step on heavy pedals.

Neck Muscles

source : dmarge

Like other sports, formula one racers also have strong body muscles. but there is something special, the F1 land jet riders are very focus on training their neck muscles even according to their research they have the strongest neck muscles among all racing events. Why is that? The answer is because of the G-Force.

When racing F1 drivers will feel the gravitational pressure in every acceleration. The amount of G-Force that they feel can be seen on the screen when we watch it and can even reach a value of 6. It feels more or less the same as when we ride a roller coaster that is winding at a fast speed. F1 drivers will feel this throughout the race. Therefore, their necks must be strong to keep their heads from hitting them and can continue to focus on driving.

Steering Wheel

Source : mclaren

The steering wheel is also a tough challenge for F1 drivers. In addition to having to withstand the effects of the G-Force on their heads, they also have to be good at playing the steering wheel. The weight of the steering wheel in F1 is 3 pounds or about 1.3 kg, that’s just the weight of the steering wheel. The steering wheel on the driver is very heavy to turn left and right. No wonder the drivers need special training and also strong arm muscles just to be able to control the car.

Cardio and weight

Source : technogym

In addition to muscle matters, racers must also have a very good cardio system. In racing their heart beats an average of 170 bits per minute. Compared to a normal heart which is only 60-70 bits per minute. Besides, they also have to maintain their body weight in a very ideal condition.
The 2021 F1 racer averages 54 – 70 kg in weight. The reason is clear the heavier the load the car will slow down a fraction of a second from other cars. There are even other unique facts about weight. It turned out that at the end of each race, their weight dropped 2-4 kg. Because it’s so hard to drive the car.

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