The fact is not so, depending on the type of cat. In general, all cats like to interact with water. Interacting doesn’t mean the cat likes to be thrown into the water. They can interact by touching themselves with water.

The point is, cats love to interact with water when that’s what they want. Cats can clean themselves, so they don’t like it when you put them in the tub or spray them with water.

Why Do Cats Don’t Like Water?

Cats have a greater sense of smell than humans. That’s why strong scents like shampoo and perfume can cause cats to dislike baths. There is even some speculation that cats don’t like the chemical smell of tap water.

Another reason is that when a cat’s fur is expose to water, it becomes very heavy. So it is difficult for them to return to a dry and warm state quickly. Even if you dry your cat with a tool, it will sometimes get angry because they don’t like the sound of the machine. And this became another bad experience for them.

Another factor that causes cats to fear the water is a shock. The sensation of cold water will surprise any cat who is not use to it. Especially if the cat falls into the tub or is bath in cold water, of course, it will respond badly to water.

Types of Cats That Love Water

Maine Coons. Maine Coon cats love water and don’t hesitate to splash themselves with water whenever they get a chance. Historically, Maine Coon cats were believe to be pest controllers on sailing ships. This explains why they are so comfortable around the water.

Turkish Vans. is a type of cat that likes to swim. Kittens of this breed love water, so many pet owners look for cat pools so their cats can swim at will.

Abyssinians. Another cat that loves water is the Abyssinian breed. This type of cat does not hesitate to dip its paws in a tub of water.

How to bathe a cat?

From this explanation, it can be conclude that there are cats who like water and do not like water. The question is when your cat is dirty, can you bath him, whether he likes or dislikes water? In special circumstances, you can bathe the cat. This can be tricky, but a good starting point is to get the essentials right.

Make sure you have a non-slip floor mat, special shampoo, towels, and a brush ready. Before being bath, the cat’s ears were given cotton swabs and the eyes were given antibiotic eye ointment. The goal is to prevent water from entering the ears and irritation to the eyes due to shampoo.

Cats are bath in warm water and special cat shampoo. Bathing a cat with warm water can also be a solution for a scared cat. The sensation of the warm water will soothe an anxious cat and won’t startle them. If your cat is mildewed, you can use a mildew-only shampoo.

Dry the cat’s skin and hair with a towel and hairdryer. Make sure the skin and fur are completely dry. Skin and fur that are not dried properly make it easy for fungus to multiply.

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