Have you ever experienced confusion about where did your account balance go? I filled out my e-wallet two days ago, but today it’s gone, I don’t know where to go. You don’t realize that you’ve checked out new clothes on e-commerce, bought the latest coffee every day, and snacked on the excuse of self-reward.

Advances in technology make it easier for us to transact. We are often not mindful of the expenses we do. The ease of transactions using mobile banking and e-wallet makes it easier for us to order and get goods. If you have a desire to be more efficient and wise in managing your finances, congratulations, you’ve come to the right page! This time I will discuss a method of managing finances from Japan called Kakeibo. Come on, find out more!

What is Kakeibo?

The Kakeibo method was first introduced by a Japanese journalist named Hani Motoko in 1904 in a women’s magazine. Then in 2018, a writer named Fumiko Chiba popularized this method in the book ‘Kakeibo: The Art of Saving Money. Kakeibo itself means “household cash book”. Simply put, Kakeibo is a method for managing finances by writing down all the transactions made.

Kakeibo is also a Japanese philosophy of saving and managing finances. The main principle of Kakeibo is to be mindful of using money. Kakeibo itself reflects the Japanese cultural belief in the importance of saving. Therefore, since childhood, children have been taught to save.

Benefits of Kakeibo

What are the benefits of the Kakeibo method? Before we find out how the Kakeibo method is in more detail, here I summarize the reasons why you need to use this method.

More organized
Kakeibo makes you more organized because this method records and monitors your finances regularly so that it is more systematic and easier to read.

Controlling finances
This method allows you to control your expenses and group them by importance.

Save more effectively
You can save more because Kakeibo helps you identify unnecessary expenses.

More discipline
You can be more disciplined and stick to a predetermined budget.

Feel more secure and confident
Kakeibo lets you track every expense so you feel more secure and don’t worry about where your money goes.

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Read also How to Use Kakeibo to manage your finances