I want to tell you that the actions and feelings that are present when you fall in love are influenced by chemicals in the human brain. How come?

Love Affect Emotions and Behavior?

People say love doesn’t use logic. Falling in love can be explain scientifically. More specifically, through biology. Did you know that there are many cells in the brain that are actively working to cause feelings of nervousness and awkwardness every time you meet ‘He’?


Our brain has a part call the hypothalamus, which is a place to control the hormone system. When you are attracted to someone, the hormones oxytocin and vasopressin kick in. Oxytocin is a stress-reducing hormone, while vasopressin is a hormone that increases blood pressure. When these two hormones come together, a chemical compound call dopamine appears.


High amounts of dopamine make us excited to go through the days. Dopamine causes feelings of pleasure to the point of difficulty sleeping. If you don’t believe it, try drinking coffee before bed. Caffeine in coffee triggers an increase in dopamine in the body which makes us nervous and insomnia. More or less.


Furthermore, norepinephrine compounds increase heart rate and energy. Who likes to be awkward when only watching him from afar? The cause is none other than norepinephrine, Brainies. Norepinephrine is the brain is responsible for focusing attention on certain objects, storing memories, and playing a role in managing emotions. This is the reason we can prance when we see a photo of someone we like until we are carry away in a dream.

Then, there is serotonin which controls appetite. Interestingly, this compound can also make us feel more calm and stable. No wonder, we can chat for hours with them without thinking about the stomach that has not been given rice since morning. Duh, don’t let your stomach relapse because you forgot to eat.

love make us do something cringe

Then, what makes us curious, why does falling in love make us do something cringe or embarrassing? Singing in public, writing poems containing gibberish, and so on. This is still closely relate to the part of the human brain, namely the prefrontal cortex. The prefrontal cortex helps us make decisions to act rationally and carefully.

When we fall in love, our feelings are more dominant, which weakens the function of the prefrontal cortex. Therefore, sometimes we do things out of the ordinary to show how much we like that person.

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Read also What is the process of falling in love?