Playing games on gadgets does feel fun. But if it’s too long, what’s the effect? And here are 5 health risks of playing games for too long!


Excessive gameplay is not very good for you. One of the effects is addiction. The addiction to playing games is shown by the obsession that you have to complete game missions, collect as many points or scores as possible, or become the most superior in the gameplay. As a result, you are willing to leave your routine activities (showering, eating, drinking) and work for the sake of gaming. When you take a break from the game, you become less focused and keep remembering playing the game. Not infrequently, you feel stressed and anxious if you don’t touch the game all day. Isn’t it?

Blood clots

Playing online games from gadgets and computers, it’s nice to sit for long periods. Maybe you’ll move when you go to the bathroom, eat, or take a shower, right? But apparently, too much sitting can trigger blood clots in the heart and brain. These blood clots can occur because the blood in the body is more silent at the bottom. Meanwhile, our bodies are designed to follow gravity, including the flow of blood in the veins. As a result, if you continue to sit, blood can clot and block the heart or brain. Diseases that arise due to blood clots are venous thrombosis.’

Visual disturbances

Not only blood clots in certain areas, playing games for too long also affects the health of your eyes. Yes, playing games eliminates boredom and boredom. But, your eyes also need rest so that their eye muscles are not too tense and tired.
Playing online games on the gadget for hours can increase the risk of visual impairment. One of them is glaucoma. So, how are you? You can rest your eyes for 20 minutes while exercising. You can also take a walk out of the house, at least stick to the yard if you want to chase the game to the end. Don’t forget to blink your eyes for 20 seconds to relax again.

Injuries to the thumb and wrist area

When playing games, the hand area along with the thumb, wrist, and 10 fingers are active. Especially if you play games on the computer. But it’s different if you play games on a smartphone, your thumb will be more intense pressing the screen. It turns out that this limb is prone to injury, guys. Like in the thumb area. Pressing the button or screen too often while playing games makes the base of the thumb swollen. This is because the tendons, the connective tissue that connects your muscles and bones, are inflamed. This condition is called De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis. Meanwhile, the wrist area and fingers are also vulnerable because they are active when playing games. The general symptom is tingling. Slowly, leading to pain, muscle weakness, and numbness at night. The reason is that the position of typing and holding the mouse when gaming is not balanced. So if you sit for long periods, your hand area can cause nerve constriction. This condition is called Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS).

Sleep disturbances

Playing games is already fun, but night has come? Time to sleep. Wait a minute, why are your eyes still open? Sleep disturbances have become a condition that makes you uncomfortable as long as you are addicted to playing online games. Plus, your smartphone is placed right next to the mattress or pillow. There’s always the temptation to unlock the screen and continue playing. Because of the blue light emitted from the smartphone screen, the production of melatonin, a hormone that controls the sleep cycle, becomes resistant. That’s why, after playing games on your smartphone, you have trouble sleeping and your eyes are open again. As a result, the quality of your sleep decreases. The body is not fresh when I wake up in the morning.

Neck muscle disorders

The frequency of looking down when playing games, over time makes the neck muscles tense. Have you ever felt your neck become stiff and painful? This condition is called Text Neck Syndrome which summarizes from the site.

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