Hard to focus on studying? Just opened a book for 10 minutes, but your mind is already everywhere, and you are more interested in opening a gadget? We can feel tired and bored. When we are weary, we definitely want to take a break and find entertainment. Sometimes there is guilt inside because we didn’t use all the time we had to study. But fatigue also makes it difficult for us to focus on learning, making it more difficult to absorb the material to be teste. Do not worry! The following Pomodoro technique might be worth trying so that your study will be more effective, and you will be confident when you take the exam.

What is the Pomodoro Technique?

The Pomodoro technique is a timing technique that was introduced in the late 1980s by Francisco Cirillo. Pomodoro itself in Spanish means tomato, Cirillo when he was still a student used a tomato-shaped kitchen timer as a timer while studying. This technique is a focusing technique with time-lapse intervals. Through this technique, you have to focus on a certain time interval, for example, 25 minutes. After the time runs out, you are require to rest for 5 minutes. This method is carried out in 4 rounds, after which you can rest longer as long as it is not longer than the time to focus. Then, how to apply this technique?


How to Apply the Pomodoro Technique

Stay away from distractions and prepare the material to be study
Turn off notifications on your phone, you can use the airplane mode feature if necessary or mute the phone. Close the browser on the laptop that is not need, just prepare the material you need to study. For example, practice questions, power points, or modules.

Determine the time and start focusing on activities
You can use an alarm clock, cell phone alarm, or even an hourglass. Determine how long to focus on the subject matter. Adjust the focus time based on your own rhythm. Cirillo usually takes 25 minutes, you can imitate Cirillo as a prefix. Then apply trial and error to find a suitable focus time. After that, you will find the most suitable way of setting the time.

Do fun activities during breaks
After finishing your focus time on studying, you can take a break by doing light stretches or grabbing a drink of water. Taking a short walk and relaxing your muscles for two to five minutes can also be a way to rest. So that when returning to study more relaxed and focused.

Repeat the above technique up to four times
Use the study-rest cycle four times, then take 15-30 minute breaks, as long as it’s no more than focus time.

You can do the Pomodoro technique to challenge yourself to complete the subject matter within a certain time target. If you achieve this target, you can reward yourself by doing activities that you enjoy.

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