The high frequency of communication and exchange of information between humans through the internet has created new gaps in the security of various data and information. One of them is personal data and information. Various cases started with the leakage of personal data, personal data.

One of the causes is the lack of self-awareness of personal data in internet usage activities. Without realizing it, every day we share personal data information such as full name, gender, citizenship, daily activities, home address, date of birth, biological mother’s name, current location, cellphone number, and any other personal data scattered in cyberspace and various platforms. other digitals. Therefore, maintaining personal data must start with yourself.

Here are some tips that can be follow to protect our data from being used by irresponsible people,

Use a complicated password

User accounts can be hacked if their password is weak. When hacked, irresponsible people are free to do anything with the data listed in the account. Use slightly more complicated passwords for accounts that request your data.

Download apps from official sources

Applications download from unofficial sources are usually attached by malware to adware. Both of these malicious programs can infect your device and then suck up all the information that is on your phone. So, make sure you only download apps from Play Store (for Android phones) and App Store (for iOS phones).

Use a VPN

Irresponsible people are usually bad at using the target location to carry out their intentions. Moreover, if you take advantage of a common connection, such as Wi-Fi, it is easier for these people to infiltrate the user’s device security holes because data spread over Wi-Fi is usually not secure. To be more protected from these threats, you can browse the internet using a VPN service or a private browser, such as Incoto’s Chrome mode, when using Wi-Fi.

Try to upload a personal identity

Photos can become easy targets for irresponsible people, especially personal documents. Therefore, avoid uploading images related to personal information in cyberspace. If an app asks for an ID, make sure that the app is trustworthy and useful to you.

Find out the company you want to apply for

In this day and age, job applications are usually submit online. Many companies also post job vacancies on the internet to make them easier to reach. As mention earlier, some people sell personal data using the mode of giving jobs to users. Do not be immediately provoked by the benefits provided by the job vacancy provider, especially if the benefits offer are very large or unreasonable. research the company providing the job vacancy and find out more information about the truth of this job vacancy on the internet.

Limit personal information on social media

Social media is our portfolio in cyberspace. From here, other people can know a thing or two about us. As much as possible, avoid information relate to personal data, such as phone numbers, e-mails, and other data, on social media platforms. If necessary, change the visibility of your social media, such as Instagram and Facebook, from public to private.

Pay attention to app permissions

Applications on smartphones can do anything, such as collect users’ personal information if the user is allow to do so. Unscrupulous individuals can use this loophole to steal personal data and then sell it. Therefore, read all approvals and what data is taken by the application before using the application in question. Then, don’t be careless and click “Allow” before the user reads what access is request by the application.

Don’t just click the link

Apart from using the internet, personal data thieves can also use SMS mode by offering some information. We recommend that you never click on these links. Because we don’t know what the contents of the link are and the source of this SMS is also unknown.

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