“Just like it” cannot explain why many people like Korean Dramas. According to Ji-Yeon, a professor in the field of Asian-American studies, humans are naturally happy with mix emotional sensations before finally reaching an ending, whether it’s happiness, sadness, or a hanging ending.

The audience can have an emotional bond with the characters in the drama. This bond makes the audience get an experience (romance) that may not be obtaine in the real world. Or it could be a solution option for the problems it faces. In essence, Korean dramas can meet the affective needs of the audience, so they are addictive and popular.

Psychologically, Korean Drama Addiction

A psychologist said that addiction to something, including watching Korean dramas could be cause by the hormone dopamine, a chemical in the brain (a neurotransmitter) that plays a role in influencing emotions, movements, sensations of pleasure, and pain. Within certain limits, it is quite healthy, but then if it is not control it will form addictive behavior. This can happen because there is attraction and an element of closeness.

Usually, the easiest, that people see from Korean dramas is because the actors are good, the atmosphere is fun, and it activates the stimulation of the hormones. His emotional affection increases, because he is emotionally involved. When emotion is display (read: in drama), he (read: audience) feels it is a representation of himself. The problems in the drama seem to be an extension of him.

This condition is natural because basically, entertainment is one of the needs of every human being. However, it is dangerous if it has become a form of addiction. There are various forms of entertainment, including art, toys, or sports. And it needs time that is balance with rest and work productivity. If you don’t sleep for 24 hours, don’t eat, that’s a problematic activity.

Mixed Emotions in Korean Drama


Who doesn’t like surprises? Everyone likes surprises, especially if it turns out to be something fun or desirable. It will feel different when your boyfriend proposes just by saying, “Want to marry me?” when compare to him applying on one of the rooftops with a 360-degree view, then suddenly acoustic music plays Romantic songs. Which is more effective?

Psychologically, humans like drama and like surprises, that’s why there are roller coasters and the queues are snaking. This mix emotion is what Korean dramas give.

An emotional experience that makes you chew on the sweet-bitter-sour-sour-bitter world of love, complete with cute character behavior and beautiful appearance. Then, what are the reasons why Korean dramas are so popular?

Cultural Attraction

We are always attracted to people who look different from us. Likewise, when watching Korean dramas, you will be present with things that you have never experience before. This experience becomes something interesting and also entertaining.

Learning New Things

When you watch Korean dramas, you absorb new things, such as language. How to say thank you, apologize, or call love.

Sweet Love

Unlike other romantic dramas, Korean dramas present a sweet romance with physical scenes that are not excessive. Uniquely, this is one of the reasons why people enjoy watching Korean dramas.


It is undeniable that the fashionable factor is also the reason why you can run a marathon spending Korean dramas beaming.

Serving Appetizing Food

Just eating noodles looks so appetizing, and makes you want to eat noodles too. Not infrequently because you see the drama characters you watch, you want to try one of the Korean food menus.

Easy Access

Korean dramas are getting easier to access, and this is another reason why more and more people are watching and getting addict to them.

Fun to Discuss with Friends

Watching Korean dramas correlates with social relationships. When you have fun discussing episode 1 on a drama, consciously or unconsciously you want to experience the same fun, so you want to quickly finish the next episode so that there is material for discussion with friends.

Become More Sensitive

According to Matthew Gizzard, psychologist and researcher from the State University of New York, people who enjoy and intensely watch romantic dramas tend to be more sensitive. Caring more for others, likes justice, is more loyal, respects authority, and values ​​sincerity. Even though it sounds positive, it turns out that romantic drama fans don’t always have a good effect.

In fact, for some people, when they equate their life stories with romantic dramas, they end up being disappointed. You can’t equate your crush/partner with a character in a drama. When you expect too much to get a romantic experience like in the drama you watch, it can lead to disappointment. Julia Lippman, a professor at the University of Michigan, said romantic dramas can make viewers more sensitive and naive.

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