If we have a habit of eating late at night, we should stop it from now on. Because the dangers that can arise from these habits can make us regret. This is relate to the risks to the health of the body. Where the body will experience a bad condition if we have the habit of eating midnight.


One of the dangers of eating at midnight that should not be ignore is indigestion. The distance between eating and sleeping lying down too close can cause gastric acid disease to recur. Symptoms of acid reflux are characterize by stomach acid from the stomach rising into the esophagus, burning, and pain in the chest or upper abdomen, to a sore throat. Another effect of eating late at night is dyspepsia or stomach pain.

Symptoms of dyspepsia include a feeling of bloating in the stomach, nausea, or abdominal pain. In addition to eating late at night, dyspepsia can be cause by eating too fast, excessive, fatty, and oily food, too spicy food, drinking a high intake of caffeine, alcohol, and soda. Indigestion needs to be taken to the doctor if it lasts more than two weeks.


The habit of eating late at night makes it more difficult for us to sleep, aka insomnia. The cause is indigestion and eating schedules that are too close to the rest schedule. The impact makes our sleep is not sound and difficult to enter the phase of deep sleep or sleep. This condition can make the body less rest and dizzy the next day.

Mess up the next diet

Another danger of eating midnight that should not be underestimate is disrupting subsequent eating patterns. Eating at midnight can practically reduce hunger the next day. As a result, you are prone to skipping breakfast and eating more in the afternoon or evening.

Physical and Mental Fatigue

Another bad effect of eating late at night is that the body is prone to physical and mental fatigue. When we sleep after eating midnight, the body is still in a position to digest food and drain energy. It can make a person experience fatigue and feel a lack of energy as if he had been doing physical activity. Hence, people who eat midnight while sleeping are prone to having nightmares due to fatigue. When you wake up in the morning, your body will not be fit because of fatigue.

Potential to Increase Weight


The bad effect of eating late at night to watch out for is the potential to increase body weight, blood sugar levels, and cholesterol. All three can be a trigger for chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

Significant weight gain only occurs when we eat high-calorie intakes at midnight or snack on high-calorie snacks late at night. Types of high-calorie foods or snacks that cause fat accumulation in the body include chips, pastries, fried foods, fast food, sweet drinks, and so on.

It is recommend to eat dinner at least two to three hours before going to bed. Also, pay attention to the type of intake that needs to meet the rules of a healthy and balance diet. If you stay up late or sleep late at night, have a snack four hours after dinner. The type of snack also needs to be considered. Choose fruit over coffee, alcohol, chips, or other high-calorie intakes.

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