War is an event that occurs as a result of the conflict between 2 or more countries because of a certain problem. The war had a great impact on each country. But what about the general impact of war?

Recently the world has been shocked by the tensions between Russia and Ukraine. Many issues arose regarding the incident and mention that a wave of world war 3 would occur. Of course, this would have a major global impact.

But what underlies the conflict? Here is a summary of the things that caused the war.


The thing that underlies war

  1. Conflicts between countries
  2. Territorial expansion
  3. Spread of belief/religion

Furthermore, after the war occurs there will be some impact on the countries that are at war or not. The following are the general impacts or problems that occurred when the war occurred, among others:


The presence of war has an impact on economic problems for countries that carry out wars or other countries. This is because the belligerent countries focus their logistics and food resources on the belligerent soldiers.


Poverty can occur because of financial problems that befall the warring countries. This is because the state’s finances are focused on fighting wars and buying defense equipment and equipping weapons from that country. So the country is experiencing financial shortages and resulting in poverty.

Mass Death

Mass deaths occur due to the use of weapons that have a wide radius of the attack area. Death also happened to the soldiers who fought. Besides that, the war also causes innocent people or people to become victims.

Trauma From War

The next effect of war, namely, war causes the affected community and soldiers who participate in the war to experience trauma due to the war. They will be reminded of events that caused the loss of valuable things from them such as their homes, families, and possessions. The soldiers who survived also experienced trauma and suffered from mental illnesses that were difficult to heal.

That is about war. More info about education:
