Why is it that when we fall in love our mood changes too? Suddenly lazy to eat, can’t sleep, keeps smiling, and wants to meet ‘He’ every day. Is it because his face is cute? Or because he’s cool?

Falling in love is complex. Not everyone can explain why they like the opposite sex. Some have certain criteria, for example. “I like him because he’s good at playing basketball,” but there are also those who when asked the reason, can only answer “I don’t know, it’s just comfortable to be around him.”

Falling in love makes us feel happy, comfortable, and millions of other feelings that are difficult to express in words. Sometimes, falling in love makes people do things outside of their normal habits. Write romantic captions on Instagram or record videos of togetherness on Tiktok.

Why Can We Fall in Love?

According to Psychology Professor from New York, Arthur Aron, in his book entitled Love and the Expansion of Self: Understanding Attraction and Satisfaction, liking for the opposite sex can be triggered by 4 things, namely: similarities, intimacy, physical appearance, and reciprocity. In order to better understand, let’s discuss one by one!


Listening to music or watching the same genre of movies can make you attracted to someone. Feel connected while chatting, have a similar mindset to each other, and finally, a feeling of liking arises.

Starting from friends then comes a feeling of comfort. Familiarity is one of the factors you like someone. Often interact, spend time together, live close together, and so on.

Physical appearance
If you already understand, physical appearance also plays an important role in attraction. However, appearance is relative, depending on the assessment of each individual. Some think A is attractive, some think B is prettier than A.

At first, it was okay, but after a while, I liked it back. Maybe all this time the effort he has made to approach you has touched your heart. Sending food when you are sick or listening to your complaints. Yup, reciprocal factors affect us in liking someone.

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