Stress can happen to anyone. Moreover, amid the demands of life and the hectic routine, the bad news is that women are said to have a higher risk of stress than men. How come?


Trigger women more easily stress is a hormonal condition. Women and men have different hormones. Citing, Dr. Paul J. Rosch, Chairman of the Board of The American Institute of Stress, said that women experience changes in hormone levels more often.

Hormone changes that occur most often are associate with symptoms of depression. For example, during menstruation, after giving birth, or during menopause. In addition, women are prone to hypothyroidism which is associate with depression.


Stress is also link to genetics. Women have a genetic condition that is more prone to depression than men. This is what then causes a woman to tend to be more prone to stress.

Engage in Personal Relationships

Stress more easily attacks women who are often involve in personal relationships, such as work and family. When a relationship starts to get into trouble or mess, women tend to be the ones who are stress. Even a study from Europe show that women age 25-40 tend to get depression up to 4 times more easily than men.

Live Longer

Many studies show that women tend to live longer than men. This then adds to the length of the reason women are more easily stress than men. Because, old age is strongly associate with feelings of loss and loneliness, weak physical health, and other factors that lead to depression.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Seasonal Affective Disorder is a mood disorder characterize by depression. Usually, this condition will occur at the same time and consistently every year. Women are said to have up to 4 times greater risk of experiencing this syndrome.

Stress in Career Women

Women who work outside the home or career women have a higher risk of stress. According to research, this happens because of the demands of a career and taking care of a family at the same time. Several pressures that occur are the main cause of a woman experiencing stress which can lead to depression.

According to The Health and Safety Executive in the UK, women age 35-44 are more likely to experience “peak stress” due to having to take care of work, children, and possibly elderly parents.

Stress can happen to anyone, but women are said to be more susceptible to it. The causes of stress in women are generally working problems and the lack of support from partners regarding children and household matters. If you feel that way, you should immediately tell your partner so he can give you the support you need.

Because feeling unsupported and having to do everything yourself can make stress even more peaking. There is nothing wrong with discussing the problem with your partner and asking him to take care of the family and children.

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